Preparing your SCORM Cloud content for use in Open edX
Want to use existing training content in an Open edX course? You can use SCORM Cloud and the LTI Consumer XBlock to insert your SCORM content into an Open edX course. The high level steps are:
- Export your content from your from your e-Learning authoring tool as a SCORM package (Instructions for this will vary, depending on your system.)
- Upload the SCORM package to SCORM Cloud and create a dispatch to serve it up as an LTI component.(This article details step 2)
- Insert your content using the LTI Consumer XBlock (Note: Content is actually hosted on SCORM Cloud.) You can find detailed steps for inserting your SCORM content into your course here.
- You will need a SCORM Cloud account (This is a paid service, but there is a trial.) You may also find SCORM Cloud's user guide helpful!
- Create your Realm, or join an existing Realm. (Realms are a way to organize users, content, and applications you have running in the SCORM Cloud.)
- To create a new Realm, click Your Realms in the top left of your screen.
- At the bottom of your Realm list click Create New Realm.
- Click Add Content (in the top right corner) to expose your import options.
- Select Import a SCORM, AICC, xAPI or cmi5 package.
- Choose your file (a zip file seems to work best.)
- Leave Import to specific App set to default (SCORM Cloud).
- Click Import Course.
- Scroll down to Course Properties area.
- Click on Launch Behavior.
- Set both Launch Type dropdown options to Frameset. You may also want to set the Width for content to 950 pixels to avoid a scrollbar on your content in the LMS.
- Click save (tiny button in bottom right corner of Course Properties area).

Once the content has been uploaded and configured, you must create a "Dispatch" to make it available via LTI.
- Scroll down to Dispatches area. Click to create a dispatch. (A dispatch package is shell package that can be imported into an LMS. When the shell is launched by an LMS, SCORM Cloud loads your course inside the shell. )
- Click Add course, and select your course from the dropdown
- Click Create a New Destination unless you've created a destination for your course previously
- Choose a name for your destination (you may want to use your course name as the default) You can leave the Tags and Notes fields blank, unless you want to use them.
- Click Create (green button at bottom left).
- On the Dispatches page, click the box to the left of your Course name to select it.
- Click the BLTI button at the bottom of the page.
- A popup will appear with the info you need to configure the LTI XBlock. Copy this info (data form URL, Key and Secret) to a text file for use in the next step. (Actual info blurred in the below image, for security reasons.)

For next steps, see: Adding third-party content to Open edX courses using LTI