Adding a custom Intercom chat widget to your Tahoe LMS
Want to give your customers a way to contact you in realtime, right from your Tahoe site?
This article provides a step-by-step guide on using Google Tag Manager to add a custom Intercom chat widget to your Tahoe LMS.
Important! Read this before you get started:
- Appsembler uses Intercom to provide direct support to our customers in the Tahoe AMC Dashboard and the LMS.
- Our Intercom widget is only displayed to Staff users (not regular users).
Before you proceed, you'll need to choose to either:
- Show your own support widget to learners in the LMS. Show both your widget AND the Appsembler support widget to Staff users in the LMS.
- OR show ONLY your own support widget to both staff users and learners in the LMS. (With this option, the Appsembler support widget will not be shown to Staff users in the LMS.)
- If you choose option 2, you will skip steps 4-9 (as noted below).
- Add your Google Tag Manager container ID using the Tahoe AMC Dashboard. The setting can be found under the Site Settings section. (Not sure how to get your GTM Container ID? Find Instructions in this article.)
- Copy the embed snippet for your Intercom widget from your Intercom settings.
- Go to your Google Tag Manager account.
- Navigate to the Variables section in your Workspace and click on New. Your Tahoe LMS provides Google Tag Manager with the visitorType and courseName (if user is in course) values. You can use this to inject code contextually.
* Skip this step and proceed to step 10, if you chose option 2 (replace the Appsembler widget with YOUR widget for both learners and staff.)
- In the contextual menu select, Data Layer variable.
* Skip this step if you chose option 2 (replace the Appsembler widget with YOUR widget for both learners and staff.)
- Enter visitorType under Data Layer Variable Name, and name your variable Visitor type. Click Save..
* Skip this step if you chose option 2 (replace the Appsembler widget with YOUR widget for both learners and staff.)
- Navigate to the Triggers section in your GTM Workspace. Click the New button.
* Skip this step if you chose option 2 (replace the Appsembler widget with YOUR widget for both learners and staff.)
- Choose Page View as the trigger type.
* Skip this step if you chose option 2 (replace the Appsembler widget with YOUR widget for both learners and staff.)
- Set the trigger to fire only on some page views, and set it to fire only when the Visitor Type variable is NOT equal to Staff. Name your new Trigger accordingly and save it.
* Skip this step if you chose option 2 (replace the Appsembler widget with YOUR widget for both learners and staff.)
- Navigate to the Tags section of your GTM Workspace and add a new Tag.
- Select “Custom HTML” as the tag type, and select “Page View” as the trigger.
Note: If you chose option 1 and will only show the Intercom widget to your learners, then select the trigger you created in previous steps (in our case Page visit from a non-staff user) as the trigger. Paste in the Intercom embed code as the HTML to be injected and click Save.
- Submit your changes to your GTM container.
- And you're done! The example below shows option 1 - displaying the Intercom widget only to your Learners (and not to STaff.)
Troubleshooting: What if my Intercom widget isn’t showing up?
Check the visibility settings in Intercom:
Bonus - Previewing and inspecting your Google Tag Manager Container and the data it receives for custom variables
You can also troubleshoot and inspect your GTM Container using the Preview functionality built into GTM. In your GTM Workspace, just click Preview and then navigate (enter URL) to your LMS.