Course management
- Managing course-wide general discussions in Open edX
- Changing your course's organization display name in Open edX
- Managing a custom course experience (CCX) in Open edX
- Adding and managing beta testers in Open edX
- Setting up prerequisite Open edX courses
- Using learner teams in your Tahoe courses
- Overriding HTML certificate properties in Open edX Studio
- Downloading responses to a specific problem in Open edX
- Open edX translations in Transifex
- Merging Open edX courses
- Changing the pace on a running Open edX course
- Controlling the visibility of your Open edX wiki
- Changing the displayed course number in Open edX
- Choosing when learners can see subsections and assessment results in Open edX
- Interpreting the different "View As" options in Open edX
- Managing pre-requisite content that is not in Open edX
- Adding a discussion moderator in Open edX
- Setting Open edX courses to self-paced in Studio
- Managing Open edX course content licensing and copyright
- Course launch activities